Thursday, July 1, 2010

Be Fruitful and Multiply

"Be Fruitful and Multiply."

Be fruitful and multiply on the condition
that you can take care of them.
In Genesis 1:28 when Yah said this to Adam and
his spouse He had already married him.
But today we see many of the young who are just
being babies themselves being fruitful and multiplying.
Sad thing is they're immature, irresponsible and
not ready to become mothers I'm implying.
Many push the babies on their mothers who did not
have them or on a sibling who is not responsible it's true.
B.P. is more than British Petroleum it is Baby Producers just
like they're pumping for oil they're being pumped for babies too.
Sex is an act that requires more than the right parts of the
anatomy it requires common sense and to apply it also.
A male who can't get pregnant and doesn't use protection
is not concerned what may happen you better know.
While you're doing it all is well but miss your period
and get pregnant and watch the change you see.
They want sex without the consequences they
want to ejaculate and bear no responsibility.
Be fruitful and multiply is what Yah commanded but
to the married and those who would care for a child.
But these females and males are producing babies
like animals have never done in the wild.
The state and taxpayers are getting tired of
seeing baskets full of groceries that they can't get.
They're tired of paying and rewarding the young
for producing babies the Pooh hasn't hit the fan yet.
A food shortage is coming and no matter what Creflo
Crook or Dr. Leroy Loot has to say about prosperity.
The time of Jacob's trouble is on the horizon and
many who are producing babies will go hungry.
Love is an emotion many are void of but it's a word
of convenience when have something they need.
From the same people who won't buy the baby Pampers
are the ones their sexual appetite you must feed.
Be fruitful and multiply with the condition you're
going to do it Yah's way.
Because a time is coming as Scriptures speak of
where there's a cost that many will have to pay.

shelly david wright, poet

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