Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Father's Day Not Baby Daddy Day

"It's Father's Day Not Baby's Daddy Day."

It's Father's day and not Baby Daddy's day
it's to recognize a man who takes care of his own.
It's not a day set aside to recognize the sperm donors
who leaves his seed for his receptacle to raise all alone.
I see more young women pregnant and I know they
aren't married because it's only just sex to them.
They are irresponsible and they're quick to call the baby
a mistake but it was premeditated what she did with him.
It's Father's day to recognize those who are real Fathers
who step up to the plate whether they're his own or not.
In this society where they're short on morals and values the
teachings of standards and virtues the churches have forgot.
The Preachers are whorish they donate their sperm to others
in the congregation although they have wives.
They're suppose to be the light that illuminates the darkness
but they're the ones who are ruining so many lives.
It's Father's day not Baby Daddy's day we shouldn't ever
recognize whores who spread their seeds around.
Whores who abandon their responsibilities who feel they
can go and spread their sperm all over town.
There are way too many single parent families where
the mother is struggling trying to raise her mistake.
She didn't get pregnant all by herself it took two to
tangle and for that baby to make.
My Sisters your whole self worth isn't determined in your
body being fine doesn't put Pampers on your baby's butt.
You're not all that because you just got Dogged out
being irresponsible and disrespecting yourself you should cut.
You have the power in saying No if you're good enough
for sex you're good enough to marry also.
Unless there is a full time commitment you need to
keep your legs closed and just say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 20th is Father's day and not Baby Daddy's day
once they hit it and quit it many leave you anyway.
You should be the one who puts a stop to the game
you have the authority and the responsibility not to play.
We're in a time where Father's day is just a thought
because real men who stand and step up are so few.
We're living in a whorish adulterous generation where
being a Baby's Mama and not a Wife ain't nothing new.

shelly david wright, poet

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