Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Deepness of LOVE

"The Deepness of Love."

Beyond words it's more than many are capable
of feeling it's a spirit you can never describe accurately.
The deepness of Love is pure it's a heart touching another
and it's a total different level of intimacy.
The deepness of Love is truly poetry in motion it's
a flow like the breath that we ex and inhale.
Love is more than a word many use in an act of convenience
it is a power without equal and can never fail.
The deepness of Love is giving, and sharing, it's
action and commitment it's honest and trust.
It's about pleasing the other putting them first
denying yourself and the spirit of lust.
It's sad that many only settle for pleasing the flesh
and they reap the troubles that come along.
Many who are married in license alone whore
around and can't seem to see nothing wrong.
Those who are married do the same yet if it was
so good why aren't they committing to that one.
When you look real deep they have an emptiness
that can't be filled with sex when it's all said and done.
The deepness of Love is light and enlightening it's
feeling from the heart and the spirit beyond touch.
It's about treasuring and cherishing the one who is set before
you and you truly mean when you say you Love them very much.
The deepness of Love is spiritual and will cause you
like the Messiah to lay down your life for them.
You will sacrifice to provide more than just things
because the deepness of Love is having the spirit of Him.
When you Love it's not a physical arousal you're
not thinking of using someone to feed an appetite.
When you Love you feed them with the Beauty you
have in your spirit and you make them your heart's delight.
To Love you must know Love and the definition is found
in Scripture but the feeling is found within your heart.
The deepness of Love is a Master creating a masterpiece
and using the fullness of Love to perfect his art.
The deepness of Love is beyond words to comprehend it's
beyond the world to conceive or to ever feel.
It involves the sense of touch, and it's very emotional
you must be sensitive enough to know it's just that real.

shelly david wright, poet

More Than a Warm Body

"More Than a Warm Body."

I need more than a warm body and a hole
to slide into.
I need to feel Loved and I need a commitment
that will last my whole life through.
I need to Love and to be Loved by someone who
has my Heavenly Father dwelling in them.
I don't want what the world has to offer "Sex"
I want the complete package that only comes from Him.
I don't want the temporary momentary fulfillment
that is empty and without the true meaning of Love.
I need more than many are willing or capable of
giving I need someone sent from above.
I need more than a big booty and a smile she has
to be Beautiful more than eyes will ever see.
I need to have a Queen who I can feel from
heart to heart who is Beautiful inwardly.
Many will settle because they're in darkness
but I know that my Father is able to do all.
I want a wife that's from Him I'm not about to
dishonor Him or myself by making a Booty call.
If sex is all you have to live for then you're already
dead you have no hope and there's no life in you.
You're truly void of true understanding and Love
only the things of shatan/the world you pursue.
Animals want mates but having a whorish spirit
is no way to go and grow through life.
Only drama, disease, and demons come from that
mindset for me it's nothing less than a wife.
I have to answer to Yah in all I do so my life is
about pleasing Him and doing things His way.
When I walked around in darkness I answered to
shatan and did those things that his spirit would say.
I need more than a warm body and a hole to slide
into and I don't look at women the way I used to anymore.
Yah has changed my way of thinking and living she's
my sister and my Queen she could never ever be my whore.
I need more than a warm body and a hole to slide into
I need a commitment of Love that's filled with Devotion,
Truth, Loyalty, and Honesty.
I don't want sex but a Love that will grow and that will
bond the two with Yah forever spiritually.

shelly david wright, poet

It's Father's Day Not Baby Daddy Day

"It's Father's Day Not Baby's Daddy Day."

It's Father's day and not Baby Daddy's day
it's to recognize a man who takes care of his own.
It's not a day set aside to recognize the sperm donors
who leaves his seed for his receptacle to raise all alone.
I see more young women pregnant and I know they
aren't married because it's only just sex to them.
They are irresponsible and they're quick to call the baby
a mistake but it was premeditated what she did with him.
It's Father's day to recognize those who are real Fathers
who step up to the plate whether they're his own or not.
In this society where they're short on morals and values the
teachings of standards and virtues the churches have forgot.
The Preachers are whorish they donate their sperm to others
in the congregation although they have wives.
They're suppose to be the light that illuminates the darkness
but they're the ones who are ruining so many lives.
It's Father's day not Baby Daddy's day we shouldn't ever
recognize whores who spread their seeds around.
Whores who abandon their responsibilities who feel they
can go and spread their sperm all over town.
There are way too many single parent families where
the mother is struggling trying to raise her mistake.
She didn't get pregnant all by herself it took two to
tangle and for that baby to make.
My Sisters your whole self worth isn't determined in your
body being fine doesn't put Pampers on your baby's butt.
You're not all that because you just got Dogged out
being irresponsible and disrespecting yourself you should cut.
You have the power in saying No if you're good enough
for sex you're good enough to marry also.
Unless there is a full time commitment you need to
keep your legs closed and just say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 20th is Father's day and not Baby Daddy's day
once they hit it and quit it many leave you anyway.
You should be the one who puts a stop to the game
you have the authority and the responsibility not to play.
We're in a time where Father's day is just a thought
because real men who stand and step up are so few.
We're living in a whorish adulterous generation where
being a Baby's Mama and not a Wife ain't nothing new.

shelly david wright, poet

Does it Stop with Your Mother

"Does it Stop with Your Mother."

Does the use of the words that you so easily call
many women you know the bitches and ho's.
When it comes to the way that many of you see
women whatever comes out of your mouth goes.
Does the name calling stop with your Mother and
the other females in your family or does it not.
You see when we have to call people out of their
names it's not them but issues you've got.
Disrespect and disregard is the way many roll
many are void of Love and this makes animosity grow.
Intolerance for mistakes and no understanding of
true forgiveness the hatred within them shows.
Monica once told me men hate women and the way
women are abused you would believe this to be true.
The name calling we hear directed toward women
and the vicious things done that many do.
No matter what a woman does it doesn't warrant
the abuse or the death penalty given to them.
There are many women who are messed up emotionally,
physically, and spiritually because of the abuse she got from him.
For you women who call each other names you're no
better than the males that call those names to you.
When you call another female out of her name you're
not saying much about yourself that's respectable too.
Shatan has created a void a barrier of misunderstanding
between men and women that will keep us divided until we learn.
That without Yah and having his true Love there will be
only confusion between the two and really no true concern.
Our Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, friends, and Mothers are
women they aren't the names you blatantly call others.
We need to think and realize that Yah is listening and
for the name calling you will be corrected by Him my Brothers.
Our people have more issues of self hate than any other
and only Yah will fix the mess among our own that we see.
It all stems from our disobedience to Him the mess we're
in is spiritual and has a time limit, what we're in is Captivity.
Does the name calling stop with your Mother this goes for
the Sisters and the Brothers as well, the insanity will cease.
Yah is coming back to bring the noise to the disobedient
who will call Him names but from the drama He'll bring peace.

concept by Elder Selah
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don't Blame Me Blame Yourself

"Don't Blame Me Blame Yourself."

I'm the guy your Mama warned you about but
you knew it all you didn't listen and she was right.
She knew I wasn't shyt when she saw me
pants saggin and hitting the clubs every night.
Don't blame me blame yourself because you only
heard the lies that you wanted to hear.
I whispered and filled your heart and head with
sweet little nothings I straight up lied in your ear.
I told you I didn't have children but I have a few
I find them fool them F. them and forget them too.
Once I get between your legs and get what I want
you'll be dogged out like the rest and I'll leave you.
Don't blame me blame yourself I didn't take it you
wanted a baby just like your friends had.
You wanted to be a follower like the others who are
crying about a Baby Daddy and Pampers, you're sad.
Now you throw the baby on your Mama she didn't
have that baby you didn't have to listen to me.
You wanted to hear how fine you are and other things
that swole your head bigger than your whole body.
Don't blame me for being who I am for taking full
advantage of the situation and your immaturity.
You walked around advertising all your goodies
as if you were asking someone to get the coochie.
The person you met I'm not that was my representative
the one I let the girls meet.
I allowed you to believe I was into you, you told all your
so-called friends the ones I screwed I was sweet.
Once I had your heart in my hands the real me came
out and I scared you into being under my control.
You don't mean nothing to me just another baby mama
you want money go to the club and get on the pole.
Don't blame me blame yourself for all your problems
you knew better than your Mama you knew it all.
You should have listened to the warnings of your Mama
you spread your legs so I took the booty call.
Don't blame me blame yourself it's my nature to lie,
kill, steal, and destroy it's my job to deceive.
I'm the one your Mama warned you about how many
more mistakes you'll make before you listen and believe.

shelly david wright, poet

Got to Make it Right

"Got to Make it Right."

This man has messed up and I got to make it
right I was wrong to say those things I did to you.
I really messed up and I'm very sorry and those
dumb things I did I never really meant to.
I'm stepping up to the plate and asking you to
forgive me because this mistake I'm trying to correct.
I know I went there with the pride thing and I want
you to know that I didn't mean any disrespect.
This man has messed up and I got to make it right
and promise never to do the same thing anymore.
I never meant to hurt you I really messed up I
came close but I've never done anything this stupid before.
To hurt the one I said I Love is sheer insanity I know
you're hurting but I'm hurting from my heart too.
How could I have messed up other than to say I'm human
how can I hurt my one blessing and a prayer come true.
I got to make it right and repair the damage I've
done it was a terrible mistake that I made.
I pray as I've asked my Heavenly Father to forgive
me you will too and allow this from your memory to fade.
I'm sorry that I messed up without thinking or feeling
I put myself first and let you down.
I let the flesh get the better part of me and I became
my own worst enemy by acting a clown.
I don't want to lose the best thing to come into my
life since breathing you mean the world to me.
I'm sorry I hurt us and messed over us I hurt
us both emotionally.
This man has messed up and I got to make it
right and do all I can to bring peace to your heart.
I Love being one with you and I hope this mistake
isn't going to pull us apart.
Mad day came as it happens in relationships I
was the one who slipped up I did this to us.
I hope that there's enough forgiveness in you
to forgive me so we can start to rebuild I trust.
I got to make it right because this man has messed
up and I hurt you in doing so.
I was wrong and I'm very sorry for what I did
I apologize with all of my heart I want you to know.

Concept by Reginald
shelly david wright, poet



I was told a story of how this female broke up
with this male and moved to another.
She didn't know that he was still attached
and went off and killed the Brother.
Retaliation caused her to get killed these
attachment stories are playing out everyday.
You don't know who you're sleeping with until
you decide to cheat or move on and get blown away.
The reality is there are Soul ties and spirit possession
having sex is emotional, physical, and spiritual too.
You bond on all three levels when you become intimate
all those they slept with fluids and spirits enter you.
And you wonder why the young Brothers are killing
with no remorse there are spirits in control of them.
Outside of Yah and His way when you sleep around
you're sleeping with shatan's spirit that's in him.
You need to know everyone isn't human
Scripture says we're in the company of fallen ones also.
When you get involved male or female you could
have a demon who'll destroy you so you better know.
There's nothing wrong with being attached and in Love
to give your heart to someone and they give theirs in return.
But there are males and females who play the game but
when it's played on them then there's reason for concern.
They can dish it out but can't eat off the plate they fed
you and ballistic when they're hurt they'll go.
Those spirits will make them act a fool they'll get the AK
get give you a holiday and your brains out they'll blow.
Murder suicide is now an occurrence in the black community
you break their hearts and they'll break you up or worse.
If you're dealing with a violent person you called the
Police for already he could next put you in a hearse.
When you become attached with someone who doesn't
show a sensitive Loving side you'd better pray.
Because when you decide he's too violent and he's
attached and addicted to the coochie leave town I'd say.
The choices you think you're making is shatan sending
those who are meant to destroy you in your lives.
There are many battered and abused females now
who are so messed up and many were made wives.

idea by Kiesha
shelly david wright, poet