Saturday, June 30, 2012

It Only Makes You a Target

"It Only Makes You a Target."
Having an ass only makes you a target for
anyone wanting to bust it open for you.
And when you proudly show it like it's a trophy
bringing on the predators is all that you do.
Having an ass doesn't show intelligence or make you
 any richer unless you're shaking it to make it rain.
Yet those who can only get their bills paid that way
have lots of undercover heartbreak and pain.
The reality is having an ass has males wanting you
but you're not really wanted at all.
You see having an ass makes you a target for lust
starved males you're nothing but a booty call.
The truth isn't always pretty for those of you who
would rather wear your Rose colored glasses.
But you find daily more and more females who have male
 hatred issues because they were drawn to their big asses.
Now like always you have females with whorish
spirits who only want the attention and the sex they get.
Yet many fall victim to the Soul ties and are broken by
them where they live a life of misery and regret.
It only makes you a target to those who are filled with
the spirits and so much sorrow into your life they bring.
To them you are just a hole they can crawl into because
to them you don't mean a thing.
What you need to realize is that no one is that fine and
it's all a spiritual set up anyway.
All you're doing is showing off your ass but there's a
cost associated with it that you have to pay.
There are single parent families in abundance with
multiple baby Daddy drama to last for life.
He thought so much about the ass you exposed but never
thought or considered to make you a wife.
You are nothing but a target whether you exposed the
Beauty of your booty or not.
I just hope that you realize that it's more than about
looks and the spirit of the Most High you've got.
Be a Queen rather than anyone's whore having an ass
doesn't make you a prize or can get you elected as President.
What it will do in most cases is bring on the heat from a
pack of wild Dogs who in turn bring on your punishment.
shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Want to be in Love to Make Love

"I Want to be in Love to Make Love."
I'm not looking to settle for anyone I don't deserve
or anything and sex I will name as number one.
When you give yourself you give access to
spirits it's more than a feeling that's getting done.
You have opened yourself to 1 maybe a host of spirits
that the one you're sleeping with has in them.
Sex is a great way to introduce you to demon possession
shatan promotes whoring so you're being screwed by him.
Once the sin is committed you can ask for forgiveness but
many feel like this they shouldn't have to do.
They must believe the Most High understands that there's
nothing wrong with getting some many must believe this too.
Yet many are dealing with the consequences of their actions
and many have died because of some bad sex they got.
You must know that your flesh is your enemy and it needs
to be in submission or you will really be hot.
What many don't quite understand is that when you have
sex it's spiritual warfare that has been launched against you.
Shatan takes full advantage of your weakness and sets
you up for a reaping of drama you may suffer through.
You've opened the door not only to spirits but a host of
disease, ailments, or bad habits that are in the family tree.
Many are sick now and can't find the cure yet they
suffer from disobedience and wanting some intimacy.
I know no one is worth me facing Yah not any amount of
sex could make me purposely sin when the truth I know.
I'm praying constantly for a spouse because I know it's
not good for me to be alone immoral sex just has to go.
I want to be in Love to make Love to express what I feel
to my one and only with the body Yah gave me.
I want her to feel the Love I feel as I touch her I want
her to know the depth of passion I have inwardly.
I too want to feel what she alone can make me feel and
in doing so make my toes curl and me scream out in delight.
I want to be in Love and truly make Love from my heart
and make her praise the Most High the rest of the night.
I'm not going to settle for anything less than Love and I'm
waiting for the Most High to send me my Queen of Heart.
Someone who He knows that I will Love, cherish, and totally
treasure as a collector does with an exquisite work of art.
shelly david wright, poet

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's in the Plans

"It's in the Plans."

What many don't realize is that when we were
created Yah had our lives planned out before hand.
You see when you know that everything Planned is
by Purpose you will then know the way of Yah understand.
I'm one who says that I want to provide for my family
but even the thought of having a family was placed in me.
When you have Him dwelling in your temple all the things
you think are your desires are His as I can now clearly see.
It's in the plans when He was in the beginning of eternity
when He thought you into existence so long ago.
Everything that you're asking Him for now has already
been granted because the thoughts of your heart He knows.
It's in the plans of Yah for you to have those things He wants
for you He furnishes you with all the good things in this life.
I'm longing and yearning in my spirit for the one that truly
completes me I'm asking Yah to bring me my wife.
She's all in His plans and as I pray for her He has had her
from the very beginning He had already joined me to my mate.
Sure we are years apart on earth but created together to be
one so right now we're being prepared for each other at any rate.
All the things that are in your spirit were placed there when you're
one of His He gave those desires and put them in your spirit too.
You see Yah has your best in mind so those seeds you've sown
you're going to reap through Yah they'll come back to you.
Right now I'm going through emotional things where
it's getting harder to believe as shatan throws darts my way.
All I can do is cry out to Yah because it's rough when you
can't see the light so all I can do is pray.
I know Yah is going to work it out but my flesh that serves
the devil is not trying to hear what is in my spirit also.
There is a battle that I've already won, the victory is mine
but shatan is standing and striking toe to toe.
There are times I want to throw in the towel but to give up
isn't an option because I'm directed from above.
Each step that I take no matter how emotionally painful
it is has been prepared through Yah's Love.
It's all in the plans and yes one day I will witness how
what He had planned in the form of my bride has come true.
You see there is a time set that I will be blessed no second before
or after it will be the right time when I can say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Treasure to Behold

"A Treasure to Behold."

When I stand before her I will think of the storm that
was brought into my life and the way that we both met.
I will think of the first time I saw her smile and heard her
voice say to me the sweetest words that I will never forget.
I will think of how the victory and my bride was given to
me when I stood back and saw what the Most High could do.
I will think about the wait was worth it when I see her as my
very own prayer and a million zillion lifetime dreams come true.
I have been given a treasure to behold someone who I can cherish
and beyond all doubt a sweet part of Heaven I can call my own.
Someone who was with me in the very beginning of Yah's
planning stages for us from His throne.
When He created the two of us to be one then separated us
to be joined once more so much later in life.
I understand nothing else was bound to work no matter who
she was because Yah had already given me my wife.
I have someone who is so precious to me that when I see her
she becomes more Beautiful and attractive to me.
Sure there are females who I look at but compared to her
there's no competition and neither should there be.
I'm in the favor of the Most High when I was the one to
have the heart of the one who Yah has made out of gold.
I have a treasure that the world wouldn't understand she's more
 valuable than worlds filled with diamonds if truth be told.
The words I write have new meaning and the songs that I
once sung are sweet lyrics of Love that I hear.
But no other sound is as precious and sweet as when she
 whispers I Love You Baby in my ear.
I have a treasure to behold and my heart is filled with Joy
and happiness and other feelings are pouring out too.
When I have my day before the throne I will give praise to
Yah for my heart's delight and with smile say Thank You.
For giving more than I feel I deserve but what You think
I'm so much worthy of.
You gave me a part of Yourself when You gave me this
treasure I now have someone of my very own to Love.
I have a treasure to behold that I will cherish I finally have
my prayers answered and the wait is over for me also.
This poem is the closest thing to the words I feel I'm so glad
that a true Love in my life with someone Beautiful I shall know.

Prayers if not dreams do come true
Be encouraged.
shelly david wright, poet

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

"Don't Believe Everything You Hear."

You can't believe everything that you hear especially
if it's not a reliable source of the Most High.
For in the world there is great deception where we can
be deceived into believing what we think is truth but is a lie.
Our ears are a part of our flesh and our flesh is what shatan
uses in spiritual warfare against us he'll devastate you.
With lies that he is always telling through others and he
will hurt you if you believe these lies to be true.
Through the ears we take in so much information and
into our hearing this information takes hold.
But if it's all lies that we hear from shatan can you imagine
the drama for your life that he will unfold.
When you are a threat to him he will pull out all the stops
to make your life as miserable as it could be.
The lies can get as thick as fog in London where the hand
in front of your face you cannot see.
I was there and it was meant for me to have the headaches
and shed the tears and to have the doubts too.
So I could bring it all back when the spirit came upon me
to write and to share what I've learned with you.
Lies, lies, and more lies we hear in the world as the god of
this present age is the professional extreme liar.
Who knows the truth that his end is with so many who lie
for him and don't repent into a burning Lake of fire.
Don't believe everything you hear consider the source
first for there are Wolves in sheep's clothing out here.
Who are like shatan as angel of light so like true friends
into your life they will appear.
Shatan knows the blessings that are coming but that doesn't
stop him from within your hearing planting some doubt.
He knows that you are special to the Most High and to
make you believe a lie is what his job is all about.
Ask Yah to guard your heart for the peace and happiness
you have can be taken if you believe the lie he will tell.
Once it's in your hearing that seed is planted and into
your emotions spring forth a harvest of hell.
Don't believe everything that you hear and seeing is not
always believing also.
Shatan is very good at what he does we are always under
his attack so the truth of Yah through His spirit get to know.

shelly david wright, poet

Monday, February 27, 2012

Are They Worthy of You

"Are They Worthy of You."

As someone who Loves to write poetry and send flowers
then being alone is truly not a nice thing.
But settling for someone just so you won't be alone is
really insanity and only more problems it can bring.
Why if you're a Queen settle for someone who only wants
the cover and not even concerned with who you are inside.
Why settle for sex when you can have the fullness of Love
when you settle you're committing emotional suicide.
How many relationship horror stories you hear I could
write a book just on the disappointments alone.
They come in like they're the greatest thing since sliced
bread and when mad day comes or your check they're gone.
You need to ask yourself are they worthy of you do they
share the same views and have standards in their life.
Do you want someone to only be a Baby Daddy or are
you holding out for someone to make you a wife.
Assholes and Attitudes I can live without I don't need the
headaches or the heartbreaks that a daughter of shatan will give.
In peace is where I want my mind to be and in harmony
with the Most High is how I desire to live.
I know what I was and what He is making me and I like the
work in progress that He's forming me into.
I desire the same for my life someone who He has under
construction whose looking to also say the words I Do.
Are they worthy of you is the question I ask and this you
need to ask yourself no matter how much bank they got.
Because their dollars are attached to their sexual
organs and they will want you to drop it like it's Hot.
Most people will have better luck picking their noses and
finding gold than to find a spouse on their own.
I will wait for the one who created me He has her all picked
out if I wait I'll have a Love I've never known.
Are they worthy of you, well I'm celibate and been that way
for a minute so a whore I'm not praying for Hell no, no way.
I want a Queen who is capable of Love and being Loved who
when we meet will be in my life and heart to stay.
Ask yourself my Brothers and Sisters are they worthy of
you don't be high minded but with yourself be humble and real.
Because sex and disease are too easy to get don't you want
someone who can appreciate the Love that you feel.

shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Reality Versus the Insanity

"The Reality Versus the Insanity."

If you were to build prisons in every neighborhood and
had a police force with as many as are in the military.
Crime would still exist because there are spirits
behind the people that you cannot arrest or see.
The Death sentence will not scare a demon spirit
that controls those who were by shatan given to them.
In fact crime is just as natural as breathing because
this sick and twisted world is ruled by him.
The reality versus the insanity is that we will continue
to see murder and mayhem until Yah comes back.
Until then we will be under the leadership of the devil
and upon the people one after another spiritual attack.
What you truly need to understand is that those who
commit the crimes are under the influence of spirits here.
That is why they can do what they do to other
humans without remorse and without fear.
Hatred is present where there is no Love and it's
evident the way they have self hate in them too.
Our people are truly in trouble because we just don't
seem to understand unto each other what we do.
You will continue to see the crime increase and people
will get killed no matter how many Churches there may be.
What is sad is that you see the Ministers on television
saying the problem is a lack of education and poverty.
The truth is those who are educated at the top are the real
criminals who have this country falling apart in the first place.
This is truly spiritual wickedness in high places from the
Whitehouse to your house it's demon possession we have to face.
The reality is we are all the problem man cannot govern
himself not having shatan's spirit within.
All they will do is follow their father the devil and kill, steal,
destroy and continue to sin.
Mothers will continue to cry and grieve their losses and
females will continue to whore and bear their seeds as well.
What we have here on earth is nothing short unless Yah
returns soon it will be pure unrestricted Hell.
The reality is crime is going to be because we rejected Yah
and chose shatan so what we see is the beginning of sorrow.
No matter if everyone became a Police shatan is still alive
there will be many who will regret there is a tomorrow.

shelly david wright,poet

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Do You Believe

"Do You Believe."

This is the question you need to ask yourself
when you're surrounded by so much fear and doubt.
When your flesh under the direction of the devil is
telling you that you're not going to see your way out.
No matter how much someone encourages you from the
outside you're still being told that won't happen from within.
The flesh is a mess as someone says and if you're not strong
enough the battle much less the war with shatan you won't win.
Do you believe that Yah is going to give you your heart's
desires when all the evidence is around you.
Do you believe that He will keep His Word and
that you're worthy of receiving a blessing too.
I'm trying to hold on to what I believe and what I
see but sometimes my own thinking gets in the way.
When you are at these crossroads I would suggest
that just like you breathe you need to pray.
What you need to remember it is Yah who is allowing
you to overcome all that you're going and growing through.
He is the one who is building confidence for greater things
that you will see Him do.
When He's in your temple your desires are His desires
that He will bless you with I want you to know.
When you're at your weakest point and you feel that you
can't go on the spirit of peace from Yah will show.
These poems are meant to be shared and read by those
who will need them in a time to come.
What I do is bless you with the Words I'm given and
they're heartfelt truth and Yah is where they're from.
Do you believe even after all I've received shatan still
tries to make me think through lies and trickery.
That the gift that my heart has yearned for
won't be given to me.
I hope that this will encourage you to believe as
I hope that I will be able to write that I have the victory.
But it's a matter of faith because we walk not by sight
for we cannot believe in this flesh everything that we see.
Do you believe, well I need to more than anything because
I want nothing more than the blessing sent from above.
I'm going to believe that Yah will indeed reward me with
the seeds I'm sowing through Him an abundance of Love.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, January 6, 2012

Until You Realize You're a Treasure

"Until You Realize You're a Treasure."

Until you realize that you're a treasure he'll treat
you like trash not a man but a male I'm talking about.
The kind that Dog you in every way possible the kind to
break your self esteem down the one you can't be without.
This is truth for you Brothers who need to see the difference
between a female and a woman as well.
One will truly care and will know how to Love and
appreciate you where the other will give you pure Hell.
As a people we have emotionally destroyed each other
with the spirit of shatan when Love isn't present in you.
When Lust is all you feel it's about what satisfies the
flesh it's selfish in nature and hurting someone is all you do.
Until you realize you're a treasure you'll get treated like
trash and disregarded moving on to the next one.
When you have no true caring or concern then what
you have is to play on one's emotions for fun.
They are truly the children of darkness because they are
blinded by the devil and they really cannot see.
That what they do to you they do far worse to themselves
they will be the ones who will truly reap so much misery.
We are in a world that is ruled by the devil at this time
and although you can't see them spirits are out here.
They invade and possess the people you see doing all the
wrong but with Yah on your side you have no reason to fear.
They are going to be used by the devil it's all out spiritual
warfare and he attacks you very much so emotionally.
If he can get to your heart and mind he's torn you apart
then on your own you will break down physically.
People until you realize that you're a treasure worth
waiting for and marrying you'll continue to be hurt.
When you Play House and give yourself for free you are
the one that will eventually get treated like dirt.
What is sad is how you accept their cheating saying
this is what men do but you're so wrong.
Male and female whores cheat not real men and women
you need to stop singing to yourself that sad song.
Until you realize you're a treasure you'll get treated like
trash and have a whole house full of children to feed.
You're a treasure that needs to be appreciated and truly
treasured because more drama from the devil you don't need.

shelly david wright, poet

The Reality Versus the Attitude

"The Reality Versus the Attitude."

The way some females walk around you would
think there are a shortage of them with their attitude.
They come across pompous and high minded and will
look at you like trash and many act out so rude.
The truth is many have been hurt and many are
filled with spirits from those who really screwed them.
Sex is not something you can take lightly because there
are spirits you can get more than disease coming from him.
Our Sisters have been misinformed to the nature of sex and
so many males are suffering from what has happened also.
Sure it feels good to the flesh but the Soul tie you're
creating can come back to haunt you you'd better know.
The reality versus the attitude or mindset is that there
are more females than males and more women than men too.
On the otherside the whorish spirit that is of the devil is
in abundance and sleeping around is all they do.
Where those who are no longer a part of that world hope
to find true Love because plain sex they don't do anymore.
Yah has since changed them and they walk and talk
differently and they're not looking to be or for a whore.
In the 4th chapter of Isaiah 1st verse you will read a
prophetic occurance that is to take place.
7 women will come to 1 man seeking to be married this
shows you the ratio that soon many will have to face.
It will be a time where Yah will have cleaned up His girls
and His boys will be true men with His spirit as well.
Love will replace Lust as the emotion that will be in your
heart and there won't be a thing called emotional Hell.
The reality versus the mindset is that only the spiritually
possessed would stalk because there's so many females out here.
Same thing with males so you really don't need to share the
eyes lie and things are truly not how they appear.
A friend I used to bike ride with said no one is that fine and
that statement has always stayed with me.
Dogs may chase cars but you don't have to chase no one
the person that's meant for you will be sent just wait and see.
There is a shortage of true men and women of Yah but not to
worry Yah has already selected your mate who'll be true.
They won't have a worldly mindset or attitude/spirit because
from the very beginning they were designed for you.

shelly david wright, poet

Looks Are Deceiving

"Looks Are Deceiving."

This statement is so true for many who cling to
their flesh but it's a process to come out of it.
Everything that looks good isn't should always be
applied in life it is something that you must admit.
We as a people filled with spirits are so quick to judge
or condemn a person because of how they look.
We want to enjoy the cover but never take time to
read or examine the contents of the book.
Let's take a Brother with a ego problem named
Samson whose eyes got him in a world of trouble too.
He made a lot of enemies and was wanted but his
weakness was a fine Sister as I'm sure many of you.
Delilah was able to get the secret out of him of his
strength and then to his enemies turned him in.
His locks were then cut off and he was blinded he
found himself in a fight that he could not win.
Same thing with the Sisters who get into relationships
based on looks and lust who end up broken hearted.
Yet many are much worse because the demon they got
involved with sent them to join the dearly departed.
Looks are deceiving, ask many who have HIV or those
who are dying with Aids and I'm sure they will say.
That what looks good isn't always good for you Lucifer is
perfect in Beauty now a price with their lives they pay.
Only the naive and the foolish judge a book by its cover
close your eyes and pay attention and only then you'll see.
What a person is truly all about liars only lie for so long
before they're caught then you'll know what's inwardly.
Hey I Love to see a Sister with pretty eyes and Beautiful
legs but I know it's what's in her heart that I need to feel.
You could be a demon in disguise and there are many who
entertain them daily and this quite simply is real.
Short, tall, thick or fine the only size that truly matters is
of their heart and the amount of Love Yah has given them.
No matter how fine or attractive you appear to be you are
nothing but dust if you do not know and Love Him.
Looks are deceiving so don't take anyone for granted feel
them out but don't be too quick to condemn anyone also.
The one you're talking about could be the one who is right
for you your eyes deceive you this you best get to know.

shelly david wright, poet

You Won't Be Happy with No One Else

"You Won't Be Happy with No One Else."

There are some males and females who have this
mindset after they no longer want you.
That they don't want you happy with anyone else
if you're seen some low down stuff they will do.
They don't want you yet they don't want no one else
to make you happy or you to be happy after them.
This is another spirit of the children of darkness their
father is the devil and they really listen to him.
I heard of an episode where this Brother was taking
care of his children but his ex took him to court anyway.
She found out he was seeing someone new so she set out
to make his life miserable it's a shame I would say.
But that's the mindset of those who are in darkness who
don't know what Love is in the first place.
When you only look at the cover of the book and never
check out the contents this kind of demon you will face.
There are males who have caught their exes with someone
and they took it to the extreme in a jealous rage.
What many of these demons do to someone they no longer
want often times make the newspaper on the front page.
When you have someone like this in your life you know
they were sent there you did not find them at all.
Shatan has the record for failed learning experiences
hook ups because he wants to see you fall.
You won't be happy with no one else because they aren't
happy and never will be sex was all many of them shared.
What they got into was a match made in Hell and only
about themselves these devils cared.
Shatan causes heartbreaks and major disappointments
he's about destroying lives and everyday this is done.
If he isn't wrecking a marriage or tearing apart a pair
then you can bet that he ain't having any fun.
Through it all those who are torn apart through this can
be healed and find the true Love of the Most High.
They don’t want to see you happy with no one else but your
happiness with a true Love Yah will never deny.
For you who are growing through this attack just know
the Most High will give you the strength to cope.
They may be miserable but pray for them for they have
to reap of their wrong but you Yah will give you hope.

A poem for Ms. Nikki
shelly david wright, poet

Monday, January 2, 2012

High Maintenance

"High Maintenance."

This is a mindset of those who think too highly
of themselves when they ought not to.
When you read of Isaiah 3:16-28 you will see what
Yah will do to those with that attitude in just a few.
High maintenance or high priced whore you're high
priced for something that the males want in return.
When you trade your body in exchange for money
or goods the title whore or prostitute you truly earn.
It's really about being humble not high minded thinking
you're all that with a selfish self centered attitude.
This is nothing more than a spirit of darkness that
many have and they treat you so rude.
High Maintenance, no be High Quality, have morals
and values and not put your body up for sale.
You need to realize that you are so much more than
what's between your legs just another piece of tail.
We need to get out of the it's all about me mindset
and see that as a whole we are sinking really fast.
Our young are destroying one another we're in a time
of sorrows that we should all pray that doesn't last.
I'm coming to the realization that there are two kinds
of people those who are clean and unclean as well.
Those with the spirit of Love or those with that of Lust
who through shatan live to make your life a living Hell.
High Maintenance, what is your price, is it worth the
price that if you live long enough you'll eventually pay.
Everything comes with a cost that we do and it comes back
in abundance sometimes in the most horrible way.
I would rather be of Quality and be someone who you
can talk to than one who is possessed with spirits in them.
Lucifer is the father of the High Maintenance mindset
those who have it get it from him.
He thought he was all that and wanted to be above the
Most High until he tried to take over and got put out.
That was the reason why he is here and that is
what the whole war in Heaven was all about.
High Maintenance you really think you have it going
on like Lucifer did but he is really making a fool of you.
Be of High Quality and let your price be a man and not
a male coming correct willing to say before Yah I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

That's Not Cute

"That's Not Cute."

Yesterday on my Mother's 92nd birthday I went
to pick her up a burger when this young lady greeted me.
She had on her neck a passion mark as if she was
proudly wearing it for all the world to see.
First of all that's not cute having your neck
marked up letting all those who look at it know.
All your intimate business is out in the street when
you reveal that side of you and you let it show.
Sadder still males understand that they are the
minority and they take advantage of it too.
Although if you're the one who think you have
him to yourself he’s really screwing you.
You find so many fights from trash put on FaceBook
and when you see the fights the males don't stop them.
Truth to tell most males are the reason for the fights
he's the whore and your girlfriend slept with him.
In fact although you've got his mark on your neck
he's got you twisted up so much more emotionally.
Remember sex is what you think makes you grown
but it is a gateway for you to be attacked spiritually.
That's not cute when you're going to go from passion
marks to marks where he's abused you physically.
You may be having sex with him but sex is not a sign of
Love and devotion certainly not honesty and loyalty.
It's really not cute to go through your pregnancy
alone when he's found another victim to take his seed.
A true reality check of what they're doing to themselves
these young Sisters and even the older ones need.
I have a daughter and many I claim as my daughters
and Sisters so I'm writing this for them as well.
The Brothers need a wake up call too and learn to Love
and protect the Sisters and not send them through Hell.
It's not cute for you to let a male mark you up and in your
own mind convince yourself like he really cares also.
Because bottom line is when you're not able to spread your
legs for him to someone else who will he's going to go.
It's not cute to be naive or close your eyes or even hope
this person will change or you can change them, stop it.
The FaceBook fights, the teen pregnancy epidemic the
total disrespect of yourself and others needs to quit.

shelly david wright, poet