Friday, May 25, 2012

It's in the Plans

"It's in the Plans."

What many don't realize is that when we were
created Yah had our lives planned out before hand.
You see when you know that everything Planned is
by Purpose you will then know the way of Yah understand.
I'm one who says that I want to provide for my family
but even the thought of having a family was placed in me.
When you have Him dwelling in your temple all the things
you think are your desires are His as I can now clearly see.
It's in the plans when He was in the beginning of eternity
when He thought you into existence so long ago.
Everything that you're asking Him for now has already
been granted because the thoughts of your heart He knows.
It's in the plans of Yah for you to have those things He wants
for you He furnishes you with all the good things in this life.
I'm longing and yearning in my spirit for the one that truly
completes me I'm asking Yah to bring me my wife.
She's all in His plans and as I pray for her He has had her
from the very beginning He had already joined me to my mate.
Sure we are years apart on earth but created together to be
one so right now we're being prepared for each other at any rate.
All the things that are in your spirit were placed there when you're
one of His He gave those desires and put them in your spirit too.
You see Yah has your best in mind so those seeds you've sown
you're going to reap through Yah they'll come back to you.
Right now I'm going through emotional things where
it's getting harder to believe as shatan throws darts my way.
All I can do is cry out to Yah because it's rough when you
can't see the light so all I can do is pray.
I know Yah is going to work it out but my flesh that serves
the devil is not trying to hear what is in my spirit also.
There is a battle that I've already won, the victory is mine
but shatan is standing and striking toe to toe.
There are times I want to throw in the towel but to give up
isn't an option because I'm directed from above.
Each step that I take no matter how emotionally painful
it is has been prepared through Yah's Love.
It's all in the plans and yes one day I will witness how
what He had planned in the form of my bride has come true.
You see there is a time set that I will be blessed no second before
or after it will be the right time when I can say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

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