Friday, January 6, 2012

Until You Realize You're a Treasure

"Until You Realize You're a Treasure."

Until you realize that you're a treasure he'll treat
you like trash not a man but a male I'm talking about.
The kind that Dog you in every way possible the kind to
break your self esteem down the one you can't be without.
This is truth for you Brothers who need to see the difference
between a female and a woman as well.
One will truly care and will know how to Love and
appreciate you where the other will give you pure Hell.
As a people we have emotionally destroyed each other
with the spirit of shatan when Love isn't present in you.
When Lust is all you feel it's about what satisfies the
flesh it's selfish in nature and hurting someone is all you do.
Until you realize you're a treasure you'll get treated like
trash and disregarded moving on to the next one.
When you have no true caring or concern then what
you have is to play on one's emotions for fun.
They are truly the children of darkness because they are
blinded by the devil and they really cannot see.
That what they do to you they do far worse to themselves
they will be the ones who will truly reap so much misery.
We are in a world that is ruled by the devil at this time
and although you can't see them spirits are out here.
They invade and possess the people you see doing all the
wrong but with Yah on your side you have no reason to fear.
They are going to be used by the devil it's all out spiritual
warfare and he attacks you very much so emotionally.
If he can get to your heart and mind he's torn you apart
then on your own you will break down physically.
People until you realize that you're a treasure worth
waiting for and marrying you'll continue to be hurt.
When you Play House and give yourself for free you are
the one that will eventually get treated like dirt.
What is sad is how you accept their cheating saying
this is what men do but you're so wrong.
Male and female whores cheat not real men and women
you need to stop singing to yourself that sad song.
Until you realize you're a treasure you'll get treated like
trash and have a whole house full of children to feed.
You're a treasure that needs to be appreciated and truly
treasured because more drama from the devil you don't need.

shelly david wright, poet

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