Friday, August 27, 2010

The Art of Affection

"The Art of Affection."

There's an art to affection and intimacy and it
takes two who are filled with and feel Love.
Two who also have a strong relationship first
with their Heavenly Father above.
There's an art to being affectionate and Loving
it's a heart to heart caring and considering thing.
It's the denying of self to please the other first
and when two do it much happiness it will bring.
The art of affection and intimacy must begin in
the heart and marinate in your mind.
With sweet words from a caring heart looking
and touching then the rapture of intimacy you'll find.
There's an art of being affectionate and intimacy
is a sweetness that many cannot comprehend.
There are a lot of people who are void of Love and
you wonder why marriages and relationships end.
It's sad that the world only knows sex something
that is unfulfilling uncommitted that animals do.
I don't want anything that is shallow and doesn't
lend itself to Love and sex is very empty too.
It's an exercise in the I gotta get mine mindset
that has left many emotionally messed up also.
Sex is a weapon in the hands of shatan and behind
sex the wrath of Yah many shall know.
Sex has Demons, Drama, and Disease associated
with it unlike Lovemaking with Yah's spirit within.
Lovemaking in the setting that Yah meant called
marriage is honorable to Him anything else is sin.
There's an art to affection and intimacy that starts
before the two will ever reach the bed.
Two who are in Love should have these emotions
and the sweetest intimate thoughts in their heads.
There's an art to affection and intimacy that many
without the spirit of Yah can't feel or relate to.
When you know the art of intimacy and affection
more than the physical but the emotional you pursue.

shelly david wright, poet

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