Friday, August 27, 2010

The Art of Affection

"The Art of Affection."

There's an art to affection and intimacy and it
takes two who are filled with and feel Love.
Two who also have a strong relationship first
with their Heavenly Father above.
There's an art to being affectionate and Loving
it's a heart to heart caring and considering thing.
It's the denying of self to please the other first
and when two do it much happiness it will bring.
The art of affection and intimacy must begin in
the heart and marinate in your mind.
With sweet words from a caring heart looking
and touching then the rapture of intimacy you'll find.
There's an art of being affectionate and intimacy
is a sweetness that many cannot comprehend.
There are a lot of people who are void of Love and
you wonder why marriages and relationships end.
It's sad that the world only knows sex something
that is unfulfilling uncommitted that animals do.
I don't want anything that is shallow and doesn't
lend itself to Love and sex is very empty too.
It's an exercise in the I gotta get mine mindset
that has left many emotionally messed up also.
Sex is a weapon in the hands of shatan and behind
sex the wrath of Yah many shall know.
Sex has Demons, Drama, and Disease associated
with it unlike Lovemaking with Yah's spirit within.
Lovemaking in the setting that Yah meant called
marriage is honorable to Him anything else is sin.
There's an art to affection and intimacy that starts
before the two will ever reach the bed.
Two who are in Love should have these emotions
and the sweetest intimate thoughts in their heads.
There's an art to affection and intimacy that many
without the spirit of Yah can't feel or relate to.
When you know the art of intimacy and affection
more than the physical but the emotional you pursue.

shelly david wright, poet

Friday, August 20, 2010

Let Me Touch You With My Heart

"Let Me Touch You with My Heart."

Let me touch you with my heart before I ever
touch your body let me slide deep into your mind.
The strokes and thrusts will be those of emotions
that will penetrate the spot that only Love can find.
Let me touch you with my heart before my lips find
yours with words let me arouse and stimulate.
With each word and thought of us being together
let it become a yearning that becomes I just can't wait.
Let me hear the softness of your voice before I feel
the softness of your skin let me explore the real you.
More than the physical there's the emotional and
spiritual I want to touch you on those other two.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch
you with my hands and caress you when you I hold.
Your body will feel so soft to the touch but your
Beautiful heart is more precious than gold.
Let me touch you with my heart and then with
my hands as I feel through touch true Love.
Your body is a Masterpiece of Creation but it's your
heart and mind that makes you an Angel from above.
When we finally touch it will be the sharing of Beauty
where two hearts will become one as two bodies meet.
What will take place will be a release of passion the
pureness of physical Love the nectar of your lips so sweet.
Let me touch you with my heart before I make your
body shiver and come to life very passionately.
When our hearts meet so will our bodies as I pull
you right next to me.
The sounds that will be heard over the gasps of air
will be our hearts beating so rapidly.
We'll be wet from the sweat through our Lovemaking
the one who is my chosen grinding with intensity.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch your
body Lovemaking is felt in the mind and in the heart.
We need to feel each other emotionally and mentally
ever before the physical can take part.
Let me touch you with my heart before I touch you with
my body and we Love each other so passionately and deep.
After all the sounds of our intimacy are no more our
hearts will still be beating as we're spooning fast asleep.

shelly david wright, poet

Manipulative and Controlling

"Manipulative and Controlling."

One of the worst things you can get into besides
a plane crash or a automobile accident is a relationship.
There are many who are suffering mentally who
have been abused in every way who are about to flip.
Why would anyone want to put themselves into
anything where they're controlled or manipulated.
People are spiritual creatures many are void of
emotions who have never been Loved or appreciated.
Manipulative and controlling are what many people
are and they feel the need to control someone.
They feel the need to be conniving, to plan and to
plot and in the spirit of shatan this is done.
Just as Yah brings His own together shatan detroys
his own through these relationships too.
Theirs are built on Greed, Get, and Gain relationships
of convenience to them is what they pursue.
Some go into them for a challenge like a game of Chess
that they must win.
But everyone is a loser in these relationships because
many of them break up in the end.
No one is in it for the other where the two of them
can deny self and become a pair.
You'll have one who believes they can change the
other but how is it possible if they don't care.
Manipulative and controlling are the relationships
and the marriages many find themselves in.
Sex is the motivating factor where whores get together
who cheat on each other who provoke one another to sin.
A relationship is a reason to have sex and to be abusive
for shatan is manipulative and he controls them.
Why do you think there's always going to be Drama
simply because they have his spirit and listens to him.
Manipulative and controlling instead of being Loving
and caring for this is rare in many people today.
Love is a word that is used to manipulate and control
but the Beauty and power of it many can't display.
Right now someone is heart broken from a break up
and someone is playing on their husband or wife.
Manipulative and controlling spirits are out there
in the people who are quick to destroy another's life.

shelly david wright, poet

I Just Come to Make a Deposit

"I Just Come to Make a Deposit."

I just come to make a deposit in one of the
many branches that I plant my seed into.
You may have heard me open my account
when I shot the Shinola by saying I Love You.
You were grinning because I made you laugh
you were told all that you wanted to hear.
You had personal issues and you wanted the
attention that I could provide with your listening ear.
You were wanting, willing, waiting, and able to become
one in a string of branches where I Sperm Bank.
You're nothing special but I tell you that you are because
if you knew the truth it would cause your ship to sank.
It's all about game and I have a spiritual addiction
I need to feed my flesh although it can't be satisfied.
There have been many before you and there will
be many more who opened up after I lied.
It's nothing personal in fact I don't really like you
it's the place below your waist that's of importance to see.
Like I said you're not special but I need you to believe
you are in order to get the Coochie.
I just come to make a deposit and keep you in the blind
because the truth about you, you refuse to allow.
Your Mother and friends try to talk to you
but I'm still getting the Milk for Free from the Cow.
If I Loved you would I abuse your trust and sleep
around would I abuse you emotionally too.
You were messed up on the rebound when we met but
with all your crying I just wanted to make a deposit Boo.
Why do you think we call you Bitches and whores we
don't Love or respect you yet you shake your ass to the beat.
You're the dream come true of many who just want to
make a deposit girls like you make life sweet.
There are many who are making deposits and they're
yielding huge increases when I see the bellies on the rise.
You may want to call what we premeditated a
mistake but you believed in all of the lies.
I just want to make a deposit not only of sperm but
of the spirits of the last few whores I slept with also.
When I'm making a deposit I'm depositing into you from
all the branches what's going in is a Toxic Gumbo.

Shalom, Think!
shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, August 15, 2010

She had 6 Husbands

"She had 6 Husbands."

When you read the account of the Messiah
in the 4th Chapter of Yohanan (John) you will see.
How He spoke of water that gave everlasting life
the spiritual water that you will drink of freely.
This woman came and asked for this water and the
Messiah said, go and call your husband to come here.
The woman said that she had no husband and
His next words to her rang out loud and clear.
You have well said I have no husband but you
have had 5 and the one you have isn't yours He said.
Notice He didn't say she was committing Adultery
this statement isn't found in the text I read.
When you sleep with someone you're actually
consummating with them.
She was joined to each and everyone of those men
she slept with according to Him.
Sex isn't what many of you think it is that's why
Yah gave it to the married to enjoy.
But through the spirit of shatan which is the spirit
of rebellion we have made it like some toy.
We've sown unto the flesh and spirit of others
when we commit this act.
Spiritually we are bound to them read the Scripture
for yourself what you'll see will be fact.
Verses 17-18 enlightens you to what was said and
I believe this to be true.
What she did was in ignorance as was done in the
past by me and many of you.
But once we know the truth and have been called
out of darkness we must go another way.
We know the spirits associated when you have sex
so with Yah's temple you should not play.
She had 6 husbands in her ignorance of truth like
many who have different mates by sleeping around today.
Males and females alike have Soul tied themselves
into knots with everything with a sex organ they lay.
Many have had their share of husbands and wives
many more than the woman that I've read about.
Thank Yah for repentance and the mercy to awaken
us for we'd be doomed I have no doubt.

shelly david wright, poet

My Name is AIDS

"My Name is AIDS."

My name is AIDS and I'm a child of shatan
I'm a creation of his and my purpose is to destroy you.
I come in all sizes, shapes and colors and I come
in the body type that you want to sleep with too.
I'm here to deceive you and catch you off guard
especially you who are out here creeping.
You know you so-called married ones who are
more whorish than the single who are out here sleeping.
My name is AIDS and you can't identify me from
just looking I could be the one you have your eyes on.
The one you're flirting with now but one hit of me
and pretty soon you too will be gone.
I'm here to kill you, steal your life away and to
destroy you totally.
I'm here for you to feed your flesh so rebel against
the Word of Yah and come listen to me.
My name is AIDS and I'm walking around in many
who are so attractive the sweet and the fine.
The ones who are at the Clubs in the Streets the
ones in the Church they all are mine.
Just like many of you they went back to the well
one time too many and they finally got it right.
They went to bed with one of mine thinking they
were in for some sheering sex and delight.
But they received more than they thought they
did but the Doctor told much later the good News.
You see my name is AIDS and when you play with
me I always win but you're bound to lose.
My name is AIDS I would suggest you listen to the
stories of those who were destroyed because they did not.
You see your flesh is controlled by a spirit and it's shatan
and if you're whoring you he's already got.
Continue to roll the dice I know you better than you know
yourself I have someone that you won't turn down.
Then you can join the countless others who have dealt
with me who are six feet underground.
My name is AIDS and I'm tall dark and handsome and I'm
curvy stacked with the big legs and fine for real.
Whatever your desire is I'm that but I have one purpose
from shatan and is for your Dumb ass to kill.

shelly david wright, poet

If You Could Feel My Words

"If You Could Feel My Words."

If you could feel my words then you would feel
my heart and believe every word to be true.
That more than anything I could ever pray for
it would be to spend the rest of my life with you.
If you could feel these words every letter and the
Love poured into writing you this poetry.
Then you would know that my heart is longing
to be yours as your heart longs for me.
If you could feel what I feel then you would know
that the Love is real and every beat is a melody.
A song not of words but of a deep passion that is
made so Beautiful from the sensitivity.
If you could feel my words and hear my thoughts
then you would know just how much I'm in Love.
Every line I write is being released through my
heart with the sweetest emotions I know of.
If you could feel my words when we look into
each others eyes then you would see just how I feel.
It's like I've seen more than my heart could imagine
when I look at you a Beauty from Heaven so real.
When I pray it is with so much feeling when I speak
your name to Our Father my heart I address.
I want Him to keep you and give you more of His Love
that makes you so full of tenderness.
More than I knew could ever be created more than
I knew I would ever be blessed with in my life.
You are the one whom I want to grow old with and
the one I pray was chosen to become my wife.
If you could feel my words then you feel the intensity
as if you were in the ring with Ali.
But these would be punches to the heart of the Love
I feel of the sweetness of pure ecstasy.
If you could feel my words your answer would be yes
and with your heart you would take the chance.
Your life would be filled forever with tender kisses,
poetry and picnics and the pureness of romance.
If you could feel my words you would feel my heart
and know that you have something never felt before.
You'd ask Yah for a zillion lifetimes because you'd be
in Love forever more.

shelly david wright, poet

I Want to Make You My One and Only

"I want to Make You My One and Only "

I want to make you smile from your heart
when from my heart I devote myself to you.
I want to make you my one and only for life and
your heart and your happiness I want to pursue.
I want to make you smile when you think of me
and every moment we're apart you totally miss me.
Just like I'm missing you now as I write this because
one life time isn't enough I need an eternity.
I want to make you my one and only for life
to be committed until my last breath.
Then be with you beyond this body because in
true Love there's no power of death.
In fact we will then know what Forever will be like
an ever lasting Romance that transcends time and space.
Having everlasting moments of our Love
together that no amount of time can erase.
I want to make you my one and only and make
you the one I can give my whole heart too.
Someone I know I can trust and believe in
who will always be there my whole life through.
The one who will be on the other end of the phone
smiling and giggling from the jokes I tell.
Someone so warm and special that in the poems
that I'll write you'll be spoken of well.
I want to make you my one and only for life
standing before the Most High with a pledge of life.
With the Host of Heaven present I will vow to you
and Him as you become my wife.
For before the planets were given names I feel you
were chosen to be the one I'd forever Love.
Before the Angels were assigned to be around the
throne I feel you were being prepared from above.
I want to make you my one and only as I feel it was
designed to be and I'm only carrying His will out.
When the Stars shouted for Joy in the creation of man
we were in the Master's plan I have no doubt.
I want to make you my one and only as I will be yours
to Love and to cherish and to completely treasure.
In a Love beyond human comprehension that is impossible
since time began to forever measure.

shelly david wright, poet

A Man Would Not Do That

"A Man Wouldn't Do That."

I just read where another male beat a 17 mon. old
to death because he wouldn't act like he wanted him to.
You see he said he acted like a girl and he wanted
him to act like a man so beating it out of him is what he'd do.
In this whorish generation we have a female who had a baby
for another male who gets the new Boo to baby sit him.
First of all most of these guys are either Sperm donors or
those hoping to donate some so you can't really trust any of them.
She must have though she was special and immune to this
sort of thing happening in her life.
Shatan is laying waste to young people all over Babel
among them there is so much hatred and strife.
He beat a child to death because he didn't behave
like to thought he should.
Who was the man in his life who was his role model
clearly about being a man he never grasped or understood.
Who was the man in her life was he a Sperm donor
too like so many who Hit and Run today.
Sex is as a Nuke in the hands of Fools because when they
get their hands on it they cause problems without delay.
Sex is the most irresponsible thing for those who are
already irresponsible it's a foolish act.
We have more Diseases, Drama, and Demons, today
the murder rate among the young proves this fact.
Sex is more than an exchange of bodily fluids but it's
an exchange of spirits also.
Demons go from person to person when you have sex
you give demons a home a dwelling place to go.
Demons were apparently in him thinking he can
beat a 17 month old into behaving like an ass too.
No sensitivity or feelings beyond anger these females
are drawn to the darkness that they so easily pursue.
A man wouldn't do that but they don't understand
being a man isn't about a false sense of masculinity.
These guys have self esteem and manhood issues
they're not men themselves as you can clearly see.
A man isn't what they are trying to be but their
father shatan has for them a plan.
He is using them to destroy as many like themselves
as possible even the babies as only he can.

shelly david wright, poet