Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Doesn't make You Bitter makes You Better

"What Doesn't make You Bitter makes You Better."

Many of us have had our kindness taken for weakness
from someone we cared about who wounded us badly.
From caring hearts we only showed them the Love
that was within but what they felt inside we couldn't see.
I've learned that people have spirits and they're used by
the adversary in a constant battle that is not his to win.
He will use those who we care about who he sent into
our lives who carry out an agenda of sin.
When you care and Love it is not a weakness but a true
strength that many can't conceive or possibly know about.
To be blessed with someone in your life is very special
that from moment to moment you don't want to live without.
But there are impostors out here who will be what you want
them to be when Dick gets hard mouth will say anything.
Into many lives behind stuff, sex, and money a whole lot of
hurt and disappointment the adversary will bring.
Father forgive them for they don't know or understand
what they do because they're caught up and are blind.
They think they're "Players" but are being played because
the adversary has them bound through their minds.
You must know all the hurt and disappointments many
have gone and grown through they're just tests that's all.
Whatever I go and grow through is a poem for someone
not really nothing that was meant to mark me when I fall.
I'm a giving, caring, sensitive person and I'm ripe for the
adversary to send someone who seems she'll be a wife.
But the proof is always in the pudding because their
agenda does come out if they have a materialistic life.
What does not make you bitter will make you better
don't stop being that Loving person just because of them.
Satan will always send in the troops when he knows that
you've prayed to Yah and you're waiting on Him.
We who are capable of Love should not stop Loving don't
allow satan to make you bitter but be better through Love.
We have a victory through the Most High and we will have
our heart's desires met in the sweetest reward I can think of.
Today is Valentine's Day and this poem isn't a romantic
one but a real one that Yah thought that you should know.
What doesn't make you bitter will make you better Yah is
more than able to send that special one that with all of
your heart you will Love so.

shelly david wright, poet

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