Thursday, February 4, 2010

Someone's Happiness is Someone's Jealousy

"Someone's Happiness is Someone's Jealousy.'

I've learned you can't share your excitement
with everybody they're not going to be excited for you.
Because the old saying that misery Loves company
for many is really sad but true.
Your happiness may be someone else's jealousy
you hear about it all the time from someone.
There were males and females alike who told someone
about their happiness and a dirty deed was done.
They told someone just how good their spouse was
and they were jealous and emotionally attacked them.
You see they will become pawns of the adversary
you see the confusion comes from him.
Psalms 6:34 says For jealousy enrages a man, and
Song of Solomon 8:6 says: For Love is strong as death
and jealousy as cruel as the grave too.
A jealous person is a dangerous person because with
that spirit you can't tell what they won't do.
Your happiness and their misery is an opportunity
for satan to use them and believe me he will.
Remember always that his mission statement
is to destroy, to steal your Joy, and for all life to kill.
Someone's happiness is someone's jealousy also the
adversary can only get to you by those who are close.
They need to have happiness in their own lives in a
a very large dose.
If you're like me you want to share your happiness,
your excitement with someone that you call a friend.
But the Joy that you feel when that person is jealous
will bring that friendship to an end.
We're living in a time where you must learn to travel
light and that means getting toxic people out of your life.
They're the ones who can become your worst enemy
it's those who are closest that can bring on the strife.
I Love hearing good news and when someone has it
I want to share in their excitement also.
We all would like to have that person we can trust
and talk to someone with our feelings we can show.
But on the real even more there are trust issues so
learn to be wise and say very little or nothing at all.
Because when you're one of Yah's satan is after you
and he will use those closest to you to cause your fall.

shelly david wright, poet

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