Friday, May 25, 2012

It's in the Plans

"It's in the Plans."

What many don't realize is that when we were
created Yah had our lives planned out before hand.
You see when you know that everything Planned is
by Purpose you will then know the way of Yah understand.
I'm one who says that I want to provide for my family
but even the thought of having a family was placed in me.
When you have Him dwelling in your temple all the things
you think are your desires are His as I can now clearly see.
It's in the plans when He was in the beginning of eternity
when He thought you into existence so long ago.
Everything that you're asking Him for now has already
been granted because the thoughts of your heart He knows.
It's in the plans of Yah for you to have those things He wants
for you He furnishes you with all the good things in this life.
I'm longing and yearning in my spirit for the one that truly
completes me I'm asking Yah to bring me my wife.
She's all in His plans and as I pray for her He has had her
from the very beginning He had already joined me to my mate.
Sure we are years apart on earth but created together to be
one so right now we're being prepared for each other at any rate.
All the things that are in your spirit were placed there when you're
one of His He gave those desires and put them in your spirit too.
You see Yah has your best in mind so those seeds you've sown
you're going to reap through Yah they'll come back to you.
Right now I'm going through emotional things where
it's getting harder to believe as shatan throws darts my way.
All I can do is cry out to Yah because it's rough when you
can't see the light so all I can do is pray.
I know Yah is going to work it out but my flesh that serves
the devil is not trying to hear what is in my spirit also.
There is a battle that I've already won, the victory is mine
but shatan is standing and striking toe to toe.
There are times I want to throw in the towel but to give up
isn't an option because I'm directed from above.
Each step that I take no matter how emotionally painful
it is has been prepared through Yah's Love.
It's all in the plans and yes one day I will witness how
what He had planned in the form of my bride has come true.
You see there is a time set that I will be blessed no second before
or after it will be the right time when I can say I Do.

shelly david wright, poet

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Treasure to Behold

"A Treasure to Behold."

When I stand before her I will think of the storm that
was brought into my life and the way that we both met.
I will think of the first time I saw her smile and heard her
voice say to me the sweetest words that I will never forget.
I will think of how the victory and my bride was given to
me when I stood back and saw what the Most High could do.
I will think about the wait was worth it when I see her as my
very own prayer and a million zillion lifetime dreams come true.
I have been given a treasure to behold someone who I can cherish
and beyond all doubt a sweet part of Heaven I can call my own.
Someone who was with me in the very beginning of Yah's
planning stages for us from His throne.
When He created the two of us to be one then separated us
to be joined once more so much later in life.
I understand nothing else was bound to work no matter who
she was because Yah had already given me my wife.
I have someone who is so precious to me that when I see her
she becomes more Beautiful and attractive to me.
Sure there are females who I look at but compared to her
there's no competition and neither should there be.
I'm in the favor of the Most High when I was the one to
have the heart of the one who Yah has made out of gold.
I have a treasure that the world wouldn't understand she's more
 valuable than worlds filled with diamonds if truth be told.
The words I write have new meaning and the songs that I
once sung are sweet lyrics of Love that I hear.
But no other sound is as precious and sweet as when she
 whispers I Love You Baby in my ear.
I have a treasure to behold and my heart is filled with Joy
and happiness and other feelings are pouring out too.
When I have my day before the throne I will give praise to
Yah for my heart's delight and with smile say Thank You.
For giving more than I feel I deserve but what You think
I'm so much worthy of.
You gave me a part of Yourself when You gave me this
treasure I now have someone of my very own to Love.
I have a treasure to behold that I will cherish I finally have
my prayers answered and the wait is over for me also.
This poem is the closest thing to the words I feel I'm so glad
that a true Love in my life with someone Beautiful I shall know.

Prayers if not dreams do come true
Be encouraged.
shelly david wright, poet

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

"Don't Believe Everything You Hear."

You can't believe everything that you hear especially
if it's not a reliable source of the Most High.
For in the world there is great deception where we can
be deceived into believing what we think is truth but is a lie.
Our ears are a part of our flesh and our flesh is what shatan
uses in spiritual warfare against us he'll devastate you.
With lies that he is always telling through others and he
will hurt you if you believe these lies to be true.
Through the ears we take in so much information and
into our hearing this information takes hold.
But if it's all lies that we hear from shatan can you imagine
the drama for your life that he will unfold.
When you are a threat to him he will pull out all the stops
to make your life as miserable as it could be.
The lies can get as thick as fog in London where the hand
in front of your face you cannot see.
I was there and it was meant for me to have the headaches
and shed the tears and to have the doubts too.
So I could bring it all back when the spirit came upon me
to write and to share what I've learned with you.
Lies, lies, and more lies we hear in the world as the god of
this present age is the professional extreme liar.
Who knows the truth that his end is with so many who lie
for him and don't repent into a burning Lake of fire.
Don't believe everything you hear consider the source
first for there are Wolves in sheep's clothing out here.
Who are like shatan as angel of light so like true friends
into your life they will appear.
Shatan knows the blessings that are coming but that doesn't
stop him from within your hearing planting some doubt.
He knows that you are special to the Most High and to
make you believe a lie is what his job is all about.
Ask Yah to guard your heart for the peace and happiness
you have can be taken if you believe the lie he will tell.
Once it's in your hearing that seed is planted and into
your emotions spring forth a harvest of hell.
Don't believe everything that you hear and seeing is not
always believing also.
Shatan is very good at what he does we are always under
his attack so the truth of Yah through His spirit get to know.

shelly david wright, poet