Monday, February 27, 2012

Are They Worthy of You

"Are They Worthy of You."

As someone who Loves to write poetry and send flowers
then being alone is truly not a nice thing.
But settling for someone just so you won't be alone is
really insanity and only more problems it can bring.
Why if you're a Queen settle for someone who only wants
the cover and not even concerned with who you are inside.
Why settle for sex when you can have the fullness of Love
when you settle you're committing emotional suicide.
How many relationship horror stories you hear I could
write a book just on the disappointments alone.
They come in like they're the greatest thing since sliced
bread and when mad day comes or your check they're gone.
You need to ask yourself are they worthy of you do they
share the same views and have standards in their life.
Do you want someone to only be a Baby Daddy or are
you holding out for someone to make you a wife.
Assholes and Attitudes I can live without I don't need the
headaches or the heartbreaks that a daughter of shatan will give.
In peace is where I want my mind to be and in harmony
with the Most High is how I desire to live.
I know what I was and what He is making me and I like the
work in progress that He's forming me into.
I desire the same for my life someone who He has under
construction whose looking to also say the words I Do.
Are they worthy of you is the question I ask and this you
need to ask yourself no matter how much bank they got.
Because their dollars are attached to their sexual
organs and they will want you to drop it like it's Hot.
Most people will have better luck picking their noses and
finding gold than to find a spouse on their own.
I will wait for the one who created me He has her all picked
out if I wait I'll have a Love I've never known.
Are they worthy of you, well I'm celibate and been that way
for a minute so a whore I'm not praying for Hell no, no way.
I want a Queen who is capable of Love and being Loved who
when we meet will be in my life and heart to stay.
Ask yourself my Brothers and Sisters are they worthy of
you don't be high minded but with yourself be humble and real.
Because sex and disease are too easy to get don't you want
someone who can appreciate the Love that you feel.

shelly david wright, poet

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Reality Versus the Insanity

"The Reality Versus the Insanity."

If you were to build prisons in every neighborhood and
had a police force with as many as are in the military.
Crime would still exist because there are spirits
behind the people that you cannot arrest or see.
The Death sentence will not scare a demon spirit
that controls those who were by shatan given to them.
In fact crime is just as natural as breathing because
this sick and twisted world is ruled by him.
The reality versus the insanity is that we will continue
to see murder and mayhem until Yah comes back.
Until then we will be under the leadership of the devil
and upon the people one after another spiritual attack.
What you truly need to understand is that those who
commit the crimes are under the influence of spirits here.
That is why they can do what they do to other
humans without remorse and without fear.
Hatred is present where there is no Love and it's
evident the way they have self hate in them too.
Our people are truly in trouble because we just don't
seem to understand unto each other what we do.
You will continue to see the crime increase and people
will get killed no matter how many Churches there may be.
What is sad is that you see the Ministers on television
saying the problem is a lack of education and poverty.
The truth is those who are educated at the top are the real
criminals who have this country falling apart in the first place.
This is truly spiritual wickedness in high places from the
Whitehouse to your house it's demon possession we have to face.
The reality is we are all the problem man cannot govern
himself not having shatan's spirit within.
All they will do is follow their father the devil and kill, steal,
destroy and continue to sin.
Mothers will continue to cry and grieve their losses and
females will continue to whore and bear their seeds as well.
What we have here on earth is nothing short unless Yah
returns soon it will be pure unrestricted Hell.
The reality is crime is going to be because we rejected Yah
and chose shatan so what we see is the beginning of sorrow.
No matter if everyone became a Police shatan is still alive
there will be many who will regret there is a tomorrow.

shelly david wright,poet